Rescue Me! Abyssinian Ohio Abyssinian Rescue

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PIease Read Before Adopting an Abyssinian in Ohio
    Abyssinian Cats can make good pets in Ohio if they match your IifestyIe. The Abyssinian is a popular short haired breed of cat. Abyssinians are very graceful and elegant. The Abyssinian is considered one of the most intelligent, empathetic, and loyal cat breeds. Abys need to be around people but tend toward independent behavior. Abys can usually get along with other cats.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
lnteresting Abyssinian Trivia Low-Cost Ohio Spay & Neuter Clinics
    All Abyssinians are descended from one kitten named Zulu that a soldier brought to England from Alexandria, Egypt. The Abyssinian is one of the most ancient cat breeds. Abyssinians are original to Northern Africa.

Related pages:

Abyssinian Rescue

Ohio Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)

Delaware County - Delaware 43015
Humane Society of Delaware County 740-369-7387

Fayette County - Washington Court House, Ohio 43160
Fayette County Humane 740-335-8126

Franklin County - Columbus, OH 43214
Cat Welfare Association 614-268-6096

Franklin County - Dublin 43235
RASCAL Unit 614-791-SPAY

Wyandot County - Upper Sandusky, Ohio 43351
HOPE 419-294-4477

Wyandot County - Upper Sandusky 43351
Wyandot County Humane Society HOPE program 419-294-4477

Sandusky County - Fremont, Ohio 43420
Humane Society of Sandusky County 419-334-4517

Williams County - Whitehouse, Ohio 43517
Planned Pethood 419-877-3499

Fulton County - Swanton, OH 43558
Planned Pethood 419-826-FIXX

Lucas County - Toledo, Ohio 43615
United Humanitarians 419-475-1977

Geauga County - Russell Township, OH 44072
Geauga Humane Society 440-338-4819

Cuyahoga County - Cleveland 44113
City of Cleveland Kennel 216-664-2759

Portage County - Ravenna 44266
Portage Animal Protective League 330-296-4022

Medina County - Sharon Center, Ohio 44274
AlterPet Inc 330-321-6243

Richland County - Mansfield, OH 44907
Stop The Overpopulation of Pets Inc. 419 774-1738

Butler County - Middletown 45042
Minimizing Animal Reproduction 513-465-3295

Hamilton County - Cincinnati 45236
Scratching Post CatSNIP 513-984-6369

Greene County - Xenia 45385
Humane Society of Greene County 937-376-3001

Montgomery County - Kettering, OH 45419
SICSA 937-294-6505

Angels County - Elida, OH 45807
for Animals Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic 419-339-9408

If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.
♥ This page is in fond memory of these Abyssinian Cats who are no longer with us... ♥
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